Friday, June 29, 2007

the adventures of Kathleen McHu,chapter one (finally)

Today I went with my family to the fair and paid one penny for my fortune. Old maggie-the fortune teller-said I was to go in search of a magical snake. I am deathy afraid of snakes but if I am meant to do it I must. Old maggie also said that I must pack food and drink because there will be little along the way I must also bring money to buy the food along the way. I have decided to leave in two days and I am going to bring two jugs of water and one jug of ale and a sack of pie and fish and some vegetables. I do not know why I am to go on this quest I am just a farmers daughter....

the story

well I can't wait any longer I just wrote the first chapter I my story and I gotta type it up

by the way this story is set in the mid 1600's

forgot to put that in the intro


tee hee


opps I am starting my story a little late.......


new story:the adventures of Kathleen McHu,introduction


Kathleen McHu was a very interesting young girl at the age of 15. She was in search of a magical snake that could do whatever you wanted it to. These storys are her adventures that she recorded in a diary. She has many interesting incounters that lead her to a great surprise.

To find out what those adventures are and what the great surprise is look each week for the next chapter of,The adventures of Kathleen McHu.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

my little story

starting tomorrow every week I am going to post a chapter of a little story i've been writing......

....hope you like it


well well well

well well well well well well.

I just got blue crocs,I really like them

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Poem #3


The sun is bright and hot.
The beach is not so hot.
The water is cool.
The sand is soft.

If I don't like the beach maybe I will go to the park.
The park is shaded with big green trees.
Sometimes they make the park look dark.
I wonder what I will do today